For many, Windows 95 was their first operating system and opened the door to a lifetime of computer use. If you’ve ever wondered what some of the modern programs and services are, Russian artist Misha Petrick gives us a glimpse of what Instagram would look like if it premiered back when computer screens required some heavy lifting.
The Instagram for Win95 project takes a twenty-first century idea and places it back in 1990’s technology. Complete with pop-up windows, a teal and grey color scheme and chunky layouts, a GIF is taken back in time before social media and high-speed internet. Petrick tells The Creators Project that the idea of taking something aimed at the youth and reframing it in his own childhood:
“I made these GIFs because I wanted to make modern kids look at Instagram the way I saw things at that age. We are all kids of the 90s and Windows 95 was really cool for us, just like Instagram is cool for children today. The humor comes from the mismatch of these two things.”
[Source: PSFK]