Sway has been out for just over a year and it seems to have been a relatively solid success when it comes to web based presentation platforms The program allows people to create interactive presentations, offering a solidly stylistic solution for people who want to go above and beyond the PowerPoint. Whereas PowerPoint tends to be used for more traditional presentations, Sway opens up the door to doing things like newsletters and personal pages in a way that looks good and can be packed to the brim with features.
In the program’s year out in the wild, the Sway team got a number of requests to make some of its feature sets more apparent. In the hopes of doing that, the Sway team just put out a blog post revealing some tips as to how to effectively use the program. Along with these tips, the team also informed users that there are a few more templates that have recently been released, which can all be found right now under the “Start from a template” option Sway.